Friday, December 6, 2013

Controlling & Programming Raspberry Pi (GCC/G++)

mysql in c
lpcap in c
serial in c
get time in c
raspberry Pi pure C


Raspberry Pi board version B
SD Card

Raspberrian Image
Slitaz Image






Tuesday, November 5, 2013

e-Gizmo AVR32 GCC IDE:Bootloading &Programming

AVR32 Module e-Gizmo


Hello Dabarkads;maybe a week ago or so that our familiar local geek's store (e-Gizmo) had cooked another gadget for us -a considerable cheap,powerful and fast MCU which has a promising wide applications.This is an AVR32 (AT32UC3L0128) with 50MHZ clock,SPI,I2C,128KB(Flash) and more  in  a sort dongle type of modular package .So let's  again give some important tips & tricks of creating  a gcc IDE using an  Eclipse development environment. This post in my blog details the steps used to get gcc running in our own workspace.  Unfortunately, setting up Eclipse as an environment to develop gcc is non-tasky. To tell you folks, having a GUI to some CLI based compilers such as SDCC,GCC/G++ (Unix) ,C/C++ is not any more a problem or hinder to simulate our code instead of a console interface. In this scratch article ,running the source program  in  an Atmel  variants and other brand of MCUs could be made  possible   using    eclipse IDE as a slight editor.We will discuss here the customization of  an Eclipse  C/C++ environment as a requirements of compiling source code fitted  in our AVR32 board. An Eclipse editor needs an  installed Atmel GNU tool chain: avrdude,avr32-gcc,avr-gcc and other required libraries to run/compile  code in AVR32.

There are miscellaneous software programmer for  AVR32 module:(1) Flexible In-system Programmer version  III or FLIP3 (flip.3.x.xx.tar.gz)    bundled with batchISP as tool to program parts containing an embedded Atmel ISP. This software has a version for both Linux and Windows OS See this article for further  technical details: (1) /avr32studio_release_notea_2.6.0.pdf‎. 

While in Linux ,(2) we can use DFU programmer as a replacement for FLIP3 in windows as well. It is a command line tool for for the flash memory on Atmel AVRs:AVR , AVR32 and 8051  based micro controllers which ship with a USB boot loader. Though DFU programmer is a command line tool it is very easy to install and use.Here is some further infos about DFU: (1)  (2)

Hence ,we only need  an AVR32 module  connected to our PC via  USB-Serial  interface-that's all our simple development for now.

All these utilities  are free to download and can be run in Linux.

The author would like to acknowledge Sir Henry of e-Gizmo store for the samples of AVR32 module.Thank you very much Sir Henry & e-Gizmo staffs pinoy geeks owe alot of priceless stuffs from your company-Mabuhay! Kudos! Aja!

1) To create gcc IDE for AVR32  by using C/C++ Eclipse editor 
2) To learn how-to program (compile,flash,fuse,boot-load)  in an ATmel  AVR32
3) To explore the potential use of AVR32 for variety of embedded applications


USB to Serial converter
e-Gizmo AVR32 module (

Linux OS : Ubunto /Fedora 1X

AVR32  plugin  (UC32XX,AVR32 GNU tool chain,batchISP and more)

AVR32 GNU Tool chain (32/64 bit Linux)
JAVA SDK Environment -installable in Linux Shell




Miscellaneous Documents

1) Install avr-gcc compiler and other libraries
root@localhost# yum install  gcc-avr avr-libc avrdude

2)Installing DFU programmer
root@localhost# yum install dfu-programmer

3) Install Java SDK
root@localhost# sudo apt-get install openjdk*

4) Download and install the Eclipse editor
root@localhost#  sudo apt-get  install eclipse-platform eclipse-jdt eclipse-cdt

5) Download and install AVR32 plugin
Click "Window" -> "Install Software" ->

6) Configure AVR32 (AT)  setting in the GCC-IDE

7) Create a simple circuit  configuration for the AVR32 module

8) Compile and run the program

9) Load the code in the AVR32 board

10) Test the expected output of the code in the AVR32 circuit  


Detail(1) AVR32 GNU tool chain

Detail(2)Launching Eclipse editor

Detail(3) Eclipse Platform

Detail(4)AVR32 Plugin to Eclipse

Detail(5)AV32 Utilities and Tool chain

Detail(6)  Installing AVR32  plugin (Utilities & Tools)

Detail(7) Restart to update Eclipse editor

Detail(8) AVR32 Software Licenses


Detail(9) Installed AVR32 utilities and tool chain

Detail(10) AVR32 Tool chain setting

Detail(11) Selecting a workspace

Detail(12) Device Selection

Detail(13)AVRdude configuration

Detail(14) Create a C/C++ source file

Detail(15)  simple GCC-IDE (Non-Trivial)

Detail(16)AVR32 GCC IDE with sample code...

 be continued

Software programmer options : FLIP3 or DFU (Linux)

Just KISS (..keeping it simple and stupid)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Arduino MySQL connector (Arduino On-line/real-time DataBase)


Sometimes when computing machines are becoming smaller and smaller,we cant deny the fact that its not only the processing capabilities that we must consider , but also the capacity to store data.Since we have discussed awhile ago the speed and efficiency of this small machine/s,let's also tackle ways on how  to use them as client or server to save bulk of data.Traditionally ,  data logging in an embedded system should have  a  third party connector/s or hook-up interface  linked to the computers or servers before micro-controllers  are able to  store bulked signals or  raw data .A good  example  was MCU gathered signals which are fed to the serial port of a PC(server) then parse via PHP and dumped those data in mysql.Another example is dumping all data at the specified ROM built in to the MCU, but the former was a better recommendation. 

Just recently, I've came up to a data logger system design , comprises of different transducers  which are capable of  detecting   digital and analog  signals  considered as critical parameters inside  the Data Center.To name those signals: light, humidity,temperature,sounds,distance and etc. Our Arduino functions  as a controller to gather  data , and  its embedded program measures the equivalent units to  represent  the scale of data sense by these transducers.

In this scratch article, we will introduce a new mysql connector ported by Dr. Chuck on his blog 
.We've also used Wiznet Ethernet Shield available at the local store owned by "ThinkBox" ( ,you can order the module on-line by the way. So our contribution will be to utilize, maximize its given functions and procedure just like an ordinary SQL are  coded and give an example on programming it.You may try to explore and find out how it simplifies database in an embedded systems.

Mysql Connector
Mysql Server on PC
Arduino2560 Mega
Wiznet Ethernet Shield (  or )
Source: Hi-Techno Barrio

(1)To enhance the capabilities of microprocessor and macro-processor as clients in a data base system.

(2) To test new Mysql connector


1) Download Mysql connector

2) Unzip the Mysql connector zip files
root@localhost# unzip

3) Copy the files inside  the Arduino library folder
root@localhost# mv mysql_connector MYSQL
root@localhost# cp -r MYSQL /usr/share/arduino/libraries
root@localhost# cp -r sha1     /usr/share/arduino/libraries

4) Cut and paste the sample  code given in the Arduino IDE
root@localhost#  arduino dcms.ino

5) Compile the code with your preferred Arduino2560
5.1)  Select the proper baud rate (serial sets to 115200 kbs)
5.2) Just  point  mouse to the arrows and functions will be highlighted,click the arrows for compiling and loading
5.3) Choose the preferred sensors function in the sample program

6)   Design data schema (Mysql)
root@ localhost# mysql  -u root -p

6.1) create mysql database
mysql> create dcmsDB;

6.2) display mysql database
mysql>  show databases;

6.3) choose mysql databse
mysql>  use dcmsDB;

6.4) create table in mysql
mysql>  CREATE TABLE `dcmsData` (
  `sensorid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Light` INTEGER ,
  `Temperature` FLOAT DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`sensorid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `rowid_UNIQUE` (`sensorid`)

6.5) insert row data  mysql table
mysql> INSERT INTO  dcmsData (Humidity,Light,Noise,Smoke,Temperature,AC,DayTime) values('100','200','300','400','500','600',NOW());

6.6)  display table structure in mysql
mysql>  describe dcmsData

6.7)   display data
mysql> SELECT * FROM dcmsData;

7) Just to give an overview , here are some parts of  the program:

(6.1) Include files
#include "NewPing.h"
#include "autonomos.h"
#include "webcontrol.h"
#include "udpsend.h"
#include "DHT.h"

// include files for mysql
#include "SPI.h"
#include "Ethernet.h"
#include "sha1.h"
#include "mysql.h"

6.2) /* Setup for Ethernet Library */
/* Setup for Ethernet Library */
byte mac_addr[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
IPAddress server_addr(192,168,1,2);
IPAddress ip(192,168,1,177);
IPAddress gateway(192,168,1, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
char sqlbuf[128];
char sqlDbase[] = " USE dcmsDB";

6.3) /*Setup for MySQL  */
unsigned int mysqlPort=3306;
Connector my_conn; // The Connector/Arduino reference
char user[] = "root";
char password[] = "Igorotzki";
boolean sqlconnect= false;

(6.4) Mysql procedures
void mysqlBegin()

    Serial.println("connecting MySQL Server..");
     if (my_conn.mysql_connect(server_addr, mysqlPort, user, password))
       Serial.println("Query Success!");
       Serial.println("Connection failed.");

// sending data to mysql
void mysqldata()
  // uncomment to use the given functions
  // tmp = temperature();
  // ht  = humidity();
  // smk = smoke();
  // ns  = noise();
  // lt  = light();
  // ac  = ACData();
if (sqlconnect==true)
    //"INSERT INTO  dcmsData (Humidity,Light,Noise,Smoke,Temperature,AC,DayTime) values('100','200','300','400','500','600',NOW()) ";
   sprintf(sqlbuf, "INSERT INTO dcmsData (Humidity,Light,Noise,Smoke,Temperature,AC,DayTime) values ('%f','%d','%d','%d','%d','%f',NOW())",ht,lt,ns,smk,tmp,ac) ;
   Serial.println("Data stored!");

} // end mysql...!

// main program
Void loop()


If you are interested with the complete code of this techno-blog, please include your e-mail account in the comment portion!

Details(1)  Data logging (DHT11,LM35,LDR,Sound,URF)

Details(2) Mysql Connector download site

Details(3) Mysql connector and its compilation

Details(4) Unzip the mysql connector files

Details(5) Successful compilation of Mysql connector using Ubuntu

Details(6) Mysql shema ->database ->tables

Details(7) Php code

Details(8): Web page Display (PHP)


Trouble(1)Serial.print function ("Error 255=." and then "Connection failed")

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';

Trouble(2) Using database

Shooting: Please  add the  following procedure
my_conn.cmd_query("USE dcmsDB);

in sha1.h virtual void write(uint8_t);
error: conflicting return type specified for 'virtual void Sha1Class::write(uint8_t)'
do you know how to fix it?

Apply the diff included with the source code.

Trouble(4)  Declaring floating point in mysql query

float t = do_something();
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "INSERT INTO test.motion VALUES (NULL, '%f')", t);


So we have embedded mysql in MCU

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Writing Image and booting Linux from MK808/RK3066


Now you would ask me;What guts I am trying to prove on tracking the development of these mini-PC sticks?Well, nowadays ,computers are becoming smaller and smaller and that proportionate to their cost-cheaper.And I know you would believe me, single board PC did not compromise computing speed ,functionality ,efficiency yet with lesser consumption of electricity (5V/2A) ; we called this  "nano-technology" on computers.Imagine a supercomputing machine is just smaller than the palm size of your hand.Simple,with its cheap price, I can purchase numbers of minis-PC and afterwards create a prowess of varied R&D applications.A variety of testing instruments:embedded Oscilloscope,Analyzer, high speed cameras,and all the likes.Because it's a light-weight  machines ,we can  board as many PCs as we can, to make our machine or robots  think, process more  and intelligent enough to respond in our specific purpose .An out-of-the-box super computing machine, clustered mini-sticks is just an appliance that can be stored atop your desk.The rest are the R&D of a lifetime-not yet to be told-but  they're arrayed in the mind .This minute gadget is a heavenly concept making things happen in reality( :) ).

I have tried different single board PC from STMF32 ,ARM Cortex 3, Beagle board,Mini2440 and mini6440 and had experienced  the  difficulties in loading or flashing  firmwares into its embedded system.Though its quite complex , I was lucky that there were several documents available as an included resources,besides they have the technical support  on-line.Sometimes you need to decode Chinese language to know the hidden specifications-at least that could be a right path of porting different codes and libraries.

RK3066 is dual Core Cortex-A9 processor running at up to 1.6  GHz produced on 28 nm process, with quad core Mali 400 @ 533 Mhz.These features are enough to settle in the higher application system-but when it comes to controlling,brute forcing hardware applications -we have a different story.

Actually ,  I did n't have to flash android OS into Picunto or Ubunto,but it so sad that Android OS is not meant for embedded and servering applications.Another is  that Rockchip is still in the stone age, they require NDA(non disclosure agreement)  and $5000 to send you SDK for building Android images which even have no sources inside but binary blobs.So I have no choice but to change its OS into an appropriate one. Yet this is not an easy task for there is no instant or direct  Linux installations in the RK3066 chips other than android itself.

All Rockchip kernel and Linux support so far is done by group of hackers who reverse engineer their code for fun and they have already significant success.The community would like to thanks hacker/crackers who had patiently ported and given source code for free: AndrewDB,Olegk0,JustineTime4Tea,mosfet,E^3 and others.

So folks ,please read and join me as this scratch article go along the saga and odyssey of porting ,debugging and unlocking the trade secrets of this nano-made gadgets and bring the breakthrough into the open-source community.


MK808 kernel image (recovery.img)

Rooted Image files
Olegk0 Google Drive Folder

Flash Tool in Linux (rkflashtool)

Paper clip
MK808 mini-PC stick
micro-SD adapter
micro-SD card

To write and flash RK3066/MK808 image  by using Linux alone(no windows!)
To replace default android OS by Picunto/Ubunto for future system development
To maximize the applications of mini-PC MK808 as  dual core running in Linux


Download the latest release versions of MK808/RK3066 Linux image(cut & paste in your browser)*/0B6QRwjacGTzCNG45bGZWRHlycUE?h=16653014193614665626&e=download

Find the necessary tools for flashing   firmware image in the SD card
root@locahost# wget

Install the required USB software libraries in Linux OS
root@localhost#   sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev

Press down the recovery button (using a paper clip)
Power up the RK3066 device from only the OTG port using a standard usb cable

(special OTG cable required or shorting of the sense pins)
Please plugged the OTG-USB cable into your PC (running linux.)

After 5 seconds release the button. observed that no led will turn on at this point.
Run dmesg and you should see something like detail 1:
root@localhost# dmesg

Run lsusb and make note of the device id
root@localhost# lsusb
My MK808 vendor ID is 2207:300a

Let's compile the rkflashtool.c
root@localhost# tar -zxvf rkflashtool.tar.gzroot@localhost# cd rkflashtool/
root@localhost# vim  rkflashtool.c

...cut and paste the code phrase highlighted in detail (3) then run the program
root@localhost#gcc -o rkflashtool rkflashtool.c -lusb-1.0 -O2 -W -Wall -s.

We're now ready to read the flash(a moment of truth :) ).
As a first step you may dumped the entire 8GB NAND flash as a backup like so
It will take some time to backup the whole NAND.
root@locahost    rkflashtool r 0x00000000 0x01000000 > myflashbackup.bin

To quickly get an idea of where everything is in the flash you can run CLI command below . It will reveal the parameters which include the offsets for all images in NAND including boot, system and  user.
root@localhost# hexdump -C myflashbackup.bin | more

As an example to grab the kernel I did the following:
root@localhost#    rkflashtool r 0x00004000 0x00004000 > mk808kernel.img

To upload a new kernel do the following:
root@localhost#    rkflashtool e 0x00004000 0x00004000
root@localhost#    rkflashtool w 0x00004000 0x00004000 < recovery.img

After a successful loading  the kernel image (recovery.img) you can now reboot the stick  and check picture details (6 & 7)- you're on the right track brother.So you may proceed now to partitioning your SD card  and  inserting Debian file-systems into it:)

Partitioning your SD Card
root@localhost# yum install gparted*
root@localhost# gparted

1) Create an "ext4" partition
2) resize the partition atleast 5GB or larger
3) label it with "linuxroot"
4) Apply the changes

After the kernel image was flashed, it's time to copy your linuxroot(File System), be sure that you are in a root mode
root@localhost@ tar-zxvfp home_io.tar.gz  /run/media/robook/linuxroot
root@localhost# tar -zxvf home_io.tar.gz
root@localhost# cd picunto_linuxroot_rc
root@localhost# cp -R * /run/media/robook/linuxroot

Note! Please wait until all files are copied to avoid errors in the picunto boot up


1) Please run the lsusb command

2)Next run the dmesg command  to find vendors ID

(3)After finding the vendors ID ,copy the highlighted code in the rkflashtool.c

(4)Testing rkflashtool-> dumping NAND

(5)Flashing the new kernel image "recover.img"

(6)Booting the MK808 in Linux -pre install "BusyBox OS"

(7)System and files

(8) Partitioning the SD card ("ext4"-File System- 5++ GB

(9) MK808 device using HDMI VGA adapter

10) Picunto2.2 Login

11)Picunto 2.2  Desktop (xfce)

12) Checking OS libraries and apps


Accomplished the easy task (?) of booting MK808 in Linux

Trouble: BusyBox not booting

Shooting: Please redump the micro-SD card using the rkflashtool

Trouble: Need complete files

Shooting: Please get the latest kernel image and rooted image linux files(application etc)

Trouble: "Mountall Event Fail

Shooting: Try recopying the linuxroot by using "cp -a * or tar -zxvpf" to transfer the compress files into the SD card  "ext4" linuxroot directory.
1) Incomplete/unfinished copy
2) Fail with root permission and authorizations transfer of files

I have a mini-PC MK808 (dual core) running in Linux(how about that bro?)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

USBasp + Arduino(Mega)2560 bootloading in Linux Arduino IDE (ACEduino2560)


Just recently,we've been trough the use of an open-source  applications and patronizing its community development ; surprisingly   enthusiasts all over the globe are   very much overwhelmed in participating  the  continuous evolutions of an open-source technology.And we are not far from the said expectations , our electronic stores are now tapping-up the distributions of these materials to the cheapest cost that local geeks and enthusiasts are able to afford of.Gone are those days when we are under the verdict of proprietary vendors such as Zilog,PIC,Renessas and other microchip distributors. I want to mention the following e-stores in the city: Alexan ,e-Gizmo and other on-line stores (tipidPC, ,ayos dito) are vendors where we can buy the  series of MCUs especially Arduino with reasonable price.

Well, our concerns are embedded kits ;yes, the Arduino things and other assorted gadgets ,this rebranded MCU is having the domination in the global e-store.We have noticed that Arduino sheilds' package is the included Atmel microchips , and became an open hardware and software  that completely sets the requirement of starting and advancing the learning curve of an embedded system design.This is the main reason that  enticed our local e-hobbyists to avail the Arduino MCUs  which had given all their resources completely  open and free  for modifications i,e: DIY,documents,source code and innovations. Perhaps Arduino unravel the "Mt. everest" of complex embedded system into the level of laymen's know-how. E-hobbyists are introduced to their  limitless creativity and ingenuity-we could be one of them.

So, this techno blog is all about giving you the idea on how to work on Arduinos using pure Linux for its compiler and IDE.And the purpose is to reload  and  upgrade default firmware  to its new release versions  that will be published in the Arduino web site( This time,I will give you the how-tos  of firmware upgrading or bootloading the  ACEduino Mega 2560 with USBasp programmer which can be purchased in Alexan and e-Gizmo respectively.So folks please have a try.. :)

arduino IDE version 1.5X
Arduino Mega 2560

To solve  USBasp programmer usb setting in Linux
To use USBasp programmer in Arduino IDE


I) Installations
root@locahost# yum install arduino*
root@localhost# yum install gcc-*
root@localhost# yum install avrdude*

2) Testing avrdude
root@localhost# lsusb
root@localhost# avrdude

3) Bootloading using avrdude
root@localhost# cd /usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/
root@localhost# avrdude -c usbasp -p m2560 -u -U flash:w:stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex

4) Using Arduino IDE
root@localhost# arduino

5) Bootloading using Arduino IDE
5.1) Tools-> Programmer->USBasp
5.2) Tools->Board->Arduino Mega 2560
5.3) Tools->Bootloader
5.4)  Note!
      Check bootloading process and if see trouble shooting if there are errors

6) New Sketch-> Basic->Digital->Blink
6.1)  Compile the program
6.2)  Load the program
6.3) Note!
     ..A LED on pin # 13  must be blinking


1) ACEduino 2560 from Alexan Store

2) USBasp clone from e-gizmo

3) ICSP pin settings of Arduino Mega2560 and USBasp clone

4) Connecting ACEduino2560 and USBasp programmer

5) Setting usb driver in udev rules

6)Successful loading firmware/bootloader in CLI avrdue

7) Firmware bootloading using arduino 1.5 IDE

(8) Sample blinking program in Arduino Mega2560


avrdude: error: could not find USB device "USBasp" with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc

root@localhost# cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
root@localhost# vim 77-coballes.rules
copy and paste this texts:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="05dc", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0667"

root@localhost# chmod 777 77-coballes.rules
root@locahost# chown -R "user"."group"  77-coballes.rules
root@localhost# /etc/init.d/udev restart

Then try methodology no. 6

2) Trouble:
no avrdude:

root@localhost# which avardude
root@localhost# yum install avr*

Solved : Loading bootloader in Arduino Mega 2560 using USBasp in Linux :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Embedded Proxy Server(ARM9) -mini2440


Hello folks,welcome to  the another entry of  this MCU blog. It's almost  one semester that I did not write on this wall-busy with some tasks outside the cyber-world. Anyway, this new topic well get  you interested and I'm  so sure  about that ;its related to proxy programming  and cross compiling the code  from an intelx86(32-64 bit) to an ARM9 architecture. I urged myself to ease the pain of debugging   the "wcol proxy"  program that lasted  for   4(four)  weeks -awesome stuff.

I was just fascinated of the RFC 1919 which means "proxy" server and  RFC 1945 which is  HTTP/1.0 protocol,how proxy server came to work ,and I was challenged to port  the said intel  format source code in a tiny PC, the mini2440 .The source of this program was an inheritance of the wcol proxy development , with careful  tweaking  and debugging  the source code  ,it  eventually run in an ordinary PC ( with installed Linux OS). You  can recompile any proxy server source code available on the net and cross-compile it in a GCC-ARM compiler. But for your comfort I have given a sample proxy program that can be uploaded via our FB Group(Philippines Society of Computer Engineers), and don't your worry this is an open group.

Mini2440 as what you had seen in the main photo, is clocked to 500Mhz and it has 512MB /1GB RAM to functions well as proxy server- its my expectation that at-least there would 5 simultaneous http request  before   it will   have a noticeable processing delay.

Below are the details on how you folks can replicate my work, there I've attached video for a more vivid tutorials.Hope that you will learn things a little bit. By the way ,this was a previous assignment in our MIS class-client & server programming.So get it on...


1) Linux OS(Fedora 14)
2) arm-linux-gcc 4.3.2
3) gcc
4) minicom (serial monitor)
5) telnet

Hardware :
1) PC
2) SD card and adapter
3) mini2440
4) Other PC as another  client

Note:  you may choose files that are not installed yet.


root@locahost# yum install minicom-s
root@localhost # yum intall telnet*
root@localhost# yum install gcc
root@localhost#  yum install *httpd*

2) Downloads
download proxy server code at PSCoE FB group page!/groups/256202857800280/

download arm-linux-gcc (4.3.2)

3) Untar and cross compile
root@localhost# mv  arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2.tgz ../
root@localhost# cd ../
root@localhost# tar -zxvf arm-linux-gcc-4.3.3.tgz
root@localhost# cd /usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin
root@localhost# export PATH:PATH=/usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin

Please copy "coballesIS238Proxy.c" in the "/usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin"  with this cli command
Note: Try also to check if its bug free-using the basic gcc compiler!
root@localhost@ cp coballesIS238Proxy.c /usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin

Now cross compile the source code
root@localhost# arm-linux-gcc -mcpu=arm9 -Wall -o coballesIS238Proxy IS238Proxy.c

A green text of file-name(coballesIS238Proxy) will appear as it was compiled already.

4) Copy the cross-compiled program(now in binary file) in the SD card
root@localhost# df -a

root@localhost# mkdir /mnt/SD
root@localhost#  mount /dev/sdb(?) /mnt/SD
root@localhost# cp "coballesIS238Proxy"  /mnt/SD

5)So you have cross-compiled the code and copied in the SD card .Next, copy the binary file from your sd card to the mini2440
root@localhost telnet  IP address of mini2440
[root@FriendlyArm] login
press enter ....see the mini2004 shell!

6) Then insert the SD card in the mini2440
[root@FriendlyArm] df- a

create a directory in your mini2440 shell
[root@FriendlyArm] mkdir /mnt/sdcard
[root@FriendlyARM]  mount  /dev/mmcblk0  /mnt/sdcard

..then copy the code
[root@FriendlyArm] cd /mnt/sdcard
[root@FriendlyArm/sdcard] cp coballesIS238Proxy ../bin

7) Bingo! run the embedded server now..!
 [root@FriendlyArm/bin] ./coballesIS238Proxy -p 350


0) Downloading "arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2.tgz

1) recompiling  proxy source code

2) Checking SD mounting

3) Copying the binary files after SD card mounting

4) executing the cross compiled binary program in a mini2440 board!

5)Error message: " Unreachable host from this network"

6) Error mesage: " temporary problem with the DNS server"

7) embedded proxy server working  in mini2440

Summary :


I cracked the proxy code and embed it in mini2440, so I have now a working embedded proxy server